This song encapsulates those moments spent staring out of the window at the puddles on the ground, having unusually deep thoughts about the world and everything in it, until the 'big dramatic bit', as I like to call it, suddenly makes you feel like you've cracked it; you've finally worked out the meaning of life.
(Another good looking out the window song: Unknown Mortal Orchestra - So Good At Being In Trouble)
Here is my number 1 tip for what to do when you're bored: dance! It sounds cheesy but there's nothing better than putting some tunes on and jumping/leaping/spinning around your bedroom (or living room if no-one's home) and throwing in some air guitar for good measure. I find that this particular song is one of the best for doing just that, so go on: press play, get up, and pretend that you're Morrissey.
(Another good dancing song: The Maccabees - Pelican)
This might be another one for the dancing-around-your-room side of things, but I picked this one mainly because of the lyrics. "Oh I could bore you with the truth about an uneventful youth..." kind of sums up what pretty much everyone feels in the school holidays; you have all this time off, yet you're not doing anything with it (I'm sure that's the weather's fault, don't worry, you probably have lots of friends). 'Uneventful' really is the only word for it.
(A good song to keep your hopes up for an eventful future: Gorillaz - Clint Eastwood)
Time for another tip to cure boredom: get creative! Take some pictures, make something, draw something or go all Tumblr and write something deep or inspirational. Maybe even start your own music blog! Why not? In my humble opinion, this song is perfect for getting those creative juices flowing (although I doubt you'll get anything decent done in the 3:42 that this song lasts for, so perhaps the whole album, 'An Awesome Wave', would be better).
(Another good creative song: Jagwar Ma - Uncertainty)
This is just another great song for listening to when the weather's as bad as it has been lately; it has a sort of warming feel to it, yet the basis of the song is that frontman Win Butler's whole neighbourhood is buried by snow and the only way they can get out of their houses is through their chimneys. This is a must-listen for anyone dreaming of a white Christmas.
(Another warming song: Wolf Alice - Blush)
Yes, the weather's miserable, and yes, you'd rather be in bed, but boredom tip number 3 is to go for a walk! Shove on some wellies and a big coat and go trudging through a field. As long as you've got a good soundtrack going on through your earphones, anything can be enjoyable. Often when I go walking in the dark on my own (I much prefer it to walking with others), I listen to this song. It has a good pace and will make you feel like an all powerful warrior marching into battle. Trust me.
(Another good walking song: Led Zeppelin - Ramble On)
I hope, dear readers, that you will take these tips into account over the holidays and that you will agree that the songs are perfect choices to listen to at times like these. Have a good Christmas!
With love from Molly McGrath (@winbutlers).
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